Michael Sezen

Yaw AI


3D Design & Animation

Product Management

Lead Role

YAW AI app mockup with avatar standing next to phone

What is Yaw AI?

We created a brand new AI chatting experience: group chats in a world of 3D. Users could chat with multiple AI characters at once, each with a distinct personality and appearance. They could also customize their own avatar and build its AI personality over time for personalized chatting experiences.

We achieved over 200k downloads in just a few months across Android and iOS. While no longer availble on the App Store, a limited version of the app is still avaible on Android.


Vector drawing representing chat messages

More About the AI Chat

Similarly to other AI apps, users would come to us with a specific use-case they need help with. One example was our language tutor, where users could practice English, Spanish, Hindi, and more. They'd have a conversational partner that could help correct mistakes and adjust to match their skill level.

This was all done with the ability to add other AI characters in the chat for a more active group chat environment. Others would chime in and participate in the conversation within natural group dynamics.


What Made Us Different

  • We developed a group chat experience
  • 3D environments and avatars that could emote and talk live, reacting dynamically to the chat
  • A personal AI that would improve over time based on your engagement in-app


Our AI Characters

We had seven characters designed, with five being deployed in the app. These are some of the ones available:

Max wearing visor
Sera crossing arms
Lucas holding hands out


Our 3D Chatrooms

The diverse 3D environments meant each room felt and looked different. The animations for each character position were also unique to each room.

Environment with giant ice crystals and tent
Two couches and a turtle underwater
School hallway with wooden bridge


Creating Your Avatar

With the ability to see yourself in the chatroom, we allowed users to customize their avatars and select outfits from a large collection. They were reflected instantly in chatrooms and avatar previews.

Avatar customizer of YAW AI
Two customized avatars next to each other


Mockup of games screen after selecting a character

Improve the AI Through Games

We had a section of the app for quick personality-based games about friends. This allowed us to build profiles for users' AI, improve our models, and create an invitation loop for new users.

Users could quickly answer fun questions about the friends in their contacts list. Over time, the selection of friends participating would shift to ensure maximum engagement.


What Exactly Did I Do?

Lead Designer

I was in charge of a team of six designers who specialized in 3D design and animation. I'd assign tasks, provide sketches and references, and personally approve and export files to the app. I also designed the entire UI of the app, iterating and prototyping internally with the rest of the company. Because we developed for both iOS and Android, I designed multiple screen variations for different devices.

Product Management

As the sole UI/UX designer, I was often in charge of coming up with new features, as well. This meant planning and prioritizing tasks each week for the different development teams. I did so on detailed Notion documents alongside Figma prototypes that I shared with the teams.

Investor Preparation

Before fundraising and quarterly investor meetings, I was in charge of creating the pitch decks. I'd go through multiple iterative phases based on feedback received from the meetings. I also prepared demo videos and designed the website purposed for investors to learn more.

Misc. Project Management

Startups tend to do what startups do best, and that's being chaotic at times. I was often called to help manage new projects in other departments in order to stay on track. For the last couple months at the company, I was in charge of organizing and meeting with each team, while the CEO and CTO were occupied in fundraising efforts.