Michael Sezen


iOS Development



Choreo app mockup on phone with Choreo logo

What is Choreo?

It's a habit-building app. Set goals and habits you want to complete on a week by week basis, and let the app take care of the rest! It's designed on Figma and developed in Swift.

The first version is already released, but there's many features still in development. This may be my first app development project, but it's also an app I use for myself, so I've got to make it worth downloading!


The Idea

I like to think I'm very goal-oriented, but sometimes, that means I lose sight of the little things of my life and start to get carried away with the big picture. New Years resolutions and self-care quickly fall into lower priorities, despite how much I promised myself it would be different. I need to build a habit and cover both sides. I scoured the App Store and Notion templates, and as visual and advanced as some of them were, they never worked past a couple weeks. I needed something simple, something effective, and something for me.

And who better to provide such a product than me? So I did just that. I listed my needs, my wants, my gripes, and I got to work. I designed the whole thing on Figma, and it seemed like just what I needed. But a prototype is nothing without an app. I'd never developed an app before, nor done any backend functionality, so everything was new. If only I had a decent habit tracking app, I might've taught myself sooner!


Mockup of home page and task management

I'm Working On An Update

While I released the original app back in April 2024, I'm developing an update now to address some UX issues and completely revamp the UI.

After racking up a 62-day streak, I ran into a few problems, and identified areas I could improve. I realized if I restructured the app to something new, I could solve everything at once.

And with a new framework, images, typography, and navigation, Choreo 2.0 will feel like a fresh and robust habit-building app.


Mockup of home page and task management

Breaking It Down: Big Goals

Inspired by Atomic Habits and previous versions of Choreo, the hierarchy streamlines your self-improvement wishes into the most effective habit-building methods.

This philosophy of breaking down bigger goals into smaller habits allows you to improve little by little everyday. Before you know it, your behavior will have shifted completely.

Goals organize your small habits and journal entries into a single, coherent vision.


Long-term goal journal and mission report view

Breaking It Down: Small Habits

Instead of telling you everything at once, the app only cares about what needs to get done today, simplifying the habit-building process. By just focusing on checking off small habits everyday, you'll be able to stay even more productive.

Each habit has a requirement to complete each day alongside a weekly schedule and expectation. By completing the minimum requirements, you'll get closer and closer to that overarching goal every day.


Long-term goal journal and mission report view

Taking Notes

I included a journal in the app to add context to both habits and goals. You can track your progress over time by going through all journal entries or add notes to check back on later.

Maybe you want to take note of your exercise goals for the end of the year. Or you've got a list of books you want to read that'll help with your learning. In the journal tab, you can keep it all in one place and access them easily in context to their associated goals.


Track Your Progress Over Different Periods

Stats aren't just good for sports. They can also provide insight into how well you've been committing to building habits and encourage you not to break any streaks. With widgets and notifications coming soon after the new release, you'll be informed and encouraged on and off the app.

Month calendar with progress shown on each date
List of tasks and their corresponding streaks


What Development Taught Me

Good design makes for good code. You can hack your way through until you get something pretty, or you can design with the code in mind and create something clean, readable, and adaptable. I learned this very quickly. Sometimes, I flew through pages, just using my auto-layouts and design system to develop exact replicas of my prototype. Other times, I got stuck making up for the shortcomings of a complicated, sloppy component. It seemed fine when I made it; after all, I was the one developing the component, so it should be easy to figure out, right? Spoiler: it wasn't.

Development, like design, is also an iterative process. You try things out, you fail, you simplify, and eventually, you come up with new ideas. Luckily I'm also a designer, so it's pretty easy to whip up a wireframe and experiment on my own. In teams, though, I can see how these kinds of moments can fall through the cracks. I have a newfound appreciation for development, especially with this app project. I know the experience will make me a better designer.


Screenshot of Xcode with iPhone simulator side-by-side

What I Developed

Naturally, you'd want to see if I've actually built this all out. So for your convenience, I've recorded a live demo of the app off of an iPhone 14 Pro Max. It's taken straight from the latest version of the app, so no hardcoded assets were provided, and everything is dynamic and functioning as shown. I also recorded in dark mode, so you can see what that looks like, too.